Mechanics’ liens are a great tool available to contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and laborers to ensure payment for work, materials and/or services provided. However, filing a fraudulent lien has costly consequences, including jail time. Read More

If you are a designer or contractor who’s been accused of negligent design or construction, you will want to analyze the owner’s claimed damages to see if they might be reduced by the amount of the first costs or betterment. Read More

If your business has been accused of violating a local law, check with your attorney as to whether you actually face liability, particularly if you established your business practices in accordance with a state law. Read More

On federal construction projects, the parties may contract where they would like to litigate potential disputes, but care should be given as to what venue is selected based on various factors.Read More

Sometimes unlicensed contracting is as simple as failing to make sure your subcontractors are licensed in their respective trades. Sometimes it's not so obvious. Why does this matter? Because you could be facing an administrative, civil or criminal action. Read More

Almost 200 public comments were filed by attorneys and private companies, all weighing in on the Daubert v. Frye standards. Read More

Shutts’ Construction Law Blog analyzes and discusses laws, regulations, recent news and trends affecting the construction industry with a particular emphasis on Florida law and practice. The blog is written for construction litigators, design professionals, contractors, owners, developers, engineers and others in...Read More

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