Whether you need a full legal team to fight for your company in high-stakes complex litigation or you need an experienced litigator to advise you, our litigators are equipped to handle your litigation and dispute resolution needs.
Our attorneys regularly appear before federal and state trial and appellate courts and agencies, commissions, boards, and other regulatory and administrative authorities. We offer strategic counsel on all aspects of litigation, including the prosecution or defense of discovery, pretrial, and trial proceedings in lawsuits to post-trial remedies and review in appellate courts, along with mediation and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms.
We also understand financial constraints and collaborate with our clients and in-house counsel to provide cost-effective legal services. Our attorneys regularly utilize cutting-edge litigation support technologies and work with each client to come up with a strategy that meets your business and financial goals.
Our attorneys are accomplished litigators and include former federal and state prosecutors and judicial law clerks. Many of our lawyers are Board Certified in Business Litigation, Civil Trial and Appellate Law and have been ranked among the nation’s leading organizations such as Chambers USA, Best Lawyers in America®, Super Lawyers and Florida Trend for their work in the following areas:
- commercial litigation
- real estate litigation
- banking and finance litigation
- securities litigation
- antitrust litigation
- trusts & estate litigation
- bankruptcy litigation
- construction litigation
- personal injury defense
- labor and employment litigation
- product liability defense
- mass tort and class action defense
- white collar criminal defense
- environmental litigation
Our Commitment
We are committed to providing excellent and cost-efficient service. We will advocate on your behalf, go to trial or assist in settlement when appropriate, and help you get back to business.
News & Insights
- Recognition, Tallahassee, 3.25.25
- Recognition, Tallahassee, 3.24.25
- Speaking Engagement, Tallahassee, 3.19.25
- Recognition, Tampa, 2.18.25
- Recognition, 2.13.25
- Speaking Engagement, 2.12.25
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 2.11.25
- Event, Maimi, 1.31.25
- Recognition, 1.30.25
- Recognition, Orlando, 1.29.25
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 1.23.25
- Recognition, 1.13.25
- Publication, Florida Trend, 1.8.25
- Recognition, Tampa, 1.2.25
- Firm News, Tampa, 11.18.24
- Recognition, 11.7.24
- Recognition, Orlando, 11.5.24
- Recognition, Orlando, 11.4.24
- Speaking Engagement, Tallahassee, 10.29.24
- Recognition, Orlando, 10.15.24
- Recognition, Tallahassee, 10.15.24
- Speaking Engagement, Tallahassee, 10.14.24
- Recognition, Orlando, 10.8.24
- Recognition, Miami, 10.7.24
- Speaking Engagement, 10.2.24
- Speaking Engagement, Miami, 9.30.24
- Recognition, Tampa, 9.18.24
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 9.12.24
- Article, Daily Business Review, 9.9.24
- Firm News, 9.9.24
- Recognition, Boca Raton Observer, 9.5.24
- Recognition, SRQ Magazine, Sarasota, 9.5.24
- Recognition, Palm Beach Illustrated, 9.3.24
- Article, Daily Business Review, Orlando, 8.28.24
- Speaking Engagement, 8.23.24
- Firm News, Orlando & West Palm Beach, 8.22.24
- Firm News, 8.20.24
- Recognition, Tampa, 8.19.24
- Recognition, 8.15.24
- Recognition, 8.12.24
- Speaking Engagement, 8.8.24
- Recognition, Tampa, 8.1.24
- Article, Daily Business Review, Tampa, 7.31.24
- Recognition, 7.25.24
- Recognition, 7.3.24
- Firm News, Orlando, 7.2.24
- Recognition, 7.1.24
- Recognition, 6.27.24
- Webinar, Tampa, 6.26.24
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 6.10.24
- Firm News, Chambers & Partners, 6.6.24
- Recognition, Tampa, 6.3.24
- Patricia A. Leonard Elected to the Executive Committee of the Armory Art Center’s Board of DirectorsRecognition, 5.30.24
- Recognition, Orlando, 5.28.24
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 5.13.24
- Article, Florida Politics, 5.9.24
- Article, Tampa Bay Business Journal, Tampa, 5.8.24
- Speaking Engagement, 4.22.24
- Recognition, Tampa, 4.3.24
- Event, Orlando, 4.2.24
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, 3.27.24
- Article, The Floridian, 3.26.24
- Recognition, Jupiter Magazine, 3.26.24
- Article, Shoutout Miami, 3.15.24
- Article, Daily Business Review, Tampa, 2.28.24
- Recognition, U.S. News & World Report, 2.26.24
- Firm News, 2.12.24
- Recognition, South Florida Business Journal, 2.8.24
- Firm News, 1.18.24
- Recognition, TAMPA Magazine, Tampa, 1.3.24
- Media Mention, Tampa, 12.26.23
- Publication, Construction Executive, 12.7.23
- Recognition, Orlando, 11.27.23
- Recognition, 11.2.23
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 11.1.23
- Speaking Engagement, 10.19.23
- Speaking Engagement, Fort Lauderdale, 10.9.23
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 10.4.23
- Firm News, 9.13.23
- Media Mention, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 9.13.23
- Recognition, Orlando, 9.6.23
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 8.28.23
- Firm News, 8.24.23
- Article, Tampa Bay Business Journal, Tampa, 8.21.23
- Firm News, 8.17.23
- Article, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 7.31.23
- Firm News, 7.24.23
- Recognition, Tampa, 7.12.23
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 7.11.23
- Article, The Florida Bar Journal, 6.28.23
- Recognition, 6.26.23
- Recognition, West Palm Beach, 6.19.23
- Recognition, Tampa, 6.14.23
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 6.6.23
- Recognition, Chambers and Partners, 6.5.23
- Recognition, Tampa, 5.25.23
- Recognition, Orlando, 5.23.23
- Article, Law360, Miami, 5.10.23
- Event, 2.28.23
- Article, 2.8.23
- Firm News, 1.30.23
- Firm News, 1.9.23
- Speaking Engagement, 12.12.22
- Article, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 11.30.22
- Speaking Engagement, 11.29.22
- Firm News, 11.10.22
- Speaking Engagement, 11.8.22
- Firm News, 11.7.22
- Publication, 11.4.22
- Speaking Engagement, 10.31.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 10.20.22
- Article, Daily Business Review, 10.13.22
- Publication, American Bankruptcy Institute Journal, Tampa, 10.12.22
- Recognition, Fort Lauderdale Illustrated, 10.6.22
- Article, GW Hatchet, Tampa, 9.26.22
- Recognition, South Florida Business & Wealth, 9.20.22
- Article, Tampa Bay Business Journal, 9.15.22
- Article, Tampa Bay Business Journal, Tampa, 9.13.22
- Firm News, Tampa, 9.13.22
- Firm News, Jacksonville Business Journal, Jacksonville, 9.12.22
- Article, 9.8.22
- Recognition, Tallahassee, 9.7.22
- Speaking Engagement, 9.6.22
- Recognition, 9.1.22
- Article, Bloomberg Law, Tampa, 8.31.22
- Recognition, 8.31.22
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 8.30.22
- Recognition, 8.24.22
- Recognition, 8.18.22
- Recognition, Tampa, 8.16.22
- Speaking Engagement, 8.4.22
- Firm News, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 7.25.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 7.11.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 7.11.22
- Recognition, Florida Trend, 6.30.22
- Speaking Engagement, 6.30.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 6.29.22
- Recognition, 6.27.22
- Recognition, 6.16.22
- Speaking Engagement, 6.14.22
- Firm News, Chambers and Partners, 6.6.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 6.2.22
- Recognition, Tampa, 5.23.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 5.17.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 5.4.22
- Article, 4.6.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 3.28.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 3.22.22
- Event, Orlando, 3.17.22
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 3.15.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 3.9.22
- Article, 3.8.22
- Firm News, Jacksonville, 3.7.22
- Speaking Engagement, 3.3.22
- Firm News, 3.2.22
- Speaking Engagement, 3.1.22
- Firm News, 3.1.22
- Firm News, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 2.28.22
- Article, Business Observer, Tampa, 2.24.22
- Media Mention, 2.24.22
- Event, 2.22.22
- Event, Orlando, 2.10.22
- Recognition, Orlando, 2.1.22
- Firm News, 1.31.22
- Speaking Engagement, Miami, 1.27.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 1.27.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 1.21.22
- Event, 1.20.22
- Speaking Engagement, 1.5.22
- Recognition, 1.4.22
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 12.20.21
- Event, Tampa, 12.16.21
- Event, 12.16.21
- Event, Orlando, 12.15.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 12.13.21
- Speaking Engagement, Workers’ Compensation Institute (WCI), Orlando, 12.7.21
- Media Mention, 11.19.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 11.10.21
- Firm News, Tampa, 11.9.21
- Recognition, 11.4.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 11.1.21
- Firm News, 10.28.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 10.26.21
- Firm News, Orlando, 10.25.21
- Speaking Engagement, 10.15.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 10.14.21
- Recognition, Orlando, 10.12.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 10.5.21
- Media Mention, Tampa Bay Times, Tampa, 9.30.21
- Recognition, Orlando, 9.29.21
- Article, Daily Business Review, 9.23.21
- Recognition, Palm Beach Illustrated, 9.22.21
- Firm News, Tallahassee, 9.21.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 9.20.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 9.13.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 9.2.21
- Recognition, 8.20.21
- Recognition, The Best Lawyers in America®, 8.19.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 8.16.21
- Media Mention, Tampa Bay Business Journal, 8.16.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 7.30.21
- Recognition, Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 7.29.21
- Recognition, 7.28.21
- Speaking Engagement, Marco Island, Florida, 7.27.21
- Article, Thomson Reuters Practical Law, Tampa, 7.22.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 7.21.21
- Article, Thomson Reuters Practical Law, 7.20.21
- Recognition, Orlando, 7.15.21
- Article, Thomson Reuters Practical Law, Tampa, 7.15.21
- Recognition, Orlando, 7.13.21
- Firm News, 7.12.21
- Article, The American Health Law Association, 7.7.21
- Recognition, Florida Trend, 7.6.21
- Media Mention, WFLA Channel 8 News, Tampa, 7.6.21
- Media Mention, Law360, 6.28.21
- Recognition, Super Lawyers, 6.24.21
- Article, Chambers and Partners, 6.16.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 6.14.21
- Firm News, Tallahassee, 6.10.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 6.9.21
- Recognition, Miami, 6.7.21
- Firm News, Tallahassee, 6.4.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 5.28.21
- Recognition, Orlando, 5.25.21
- Firm News, Daily Business Review, 5.25.21
- Firm News, Chambers and Partners, 5.24.21
- Recognition, The American Lawyer, 5.20.21
- Media Mention, Construction Dive, Orlando, 5.19.21
- Event, 5.17.21
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, 5.17.21
- Recognition, Miami, 5.5.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 5.4.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 4.30.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 4.26.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 4.26.21
- Media Mention, Florida Politics, 4.23.21
- Firm News, 4.21.21
- Event, 4.19.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 4.15.21
- Article, Society for Human Resource Management, Orlando, 4.14.21
- Recognition, TAMPA Magazine, Tampa, 4.12.21
- Publication, Daily Business Review, 4.6.21
- Recognition, South Florida Legal Guide, 4.6.21
- Article, Construction Executive, Orlando, 4.5.21
- Speaking Engagement, 4.1.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 3.29.21
- Event, 3.23.21
- Firm News, 3.23.21
- Speaking Engagement, West Palm Beach, 3.22.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tallahassee, 3.11.21
- Firm News, 3.9.21
- Article, Forbes, Orlando, 3.9.21
- Article, 3.1.21
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 2.25.21
- Article, 2.12.21
- Article, Law.com, Orlando, 2.11.21
- Recognition, Tampa, 2.10.21
- Recognition, South Florida Business Journal, 2.4.21
- Firm News, 2.2.21
- Event, Tampa, 1.29.21
- Media Mention, Engineering News-Record (ENR), Orlando, 1.26.21
- Article, Hillsborough County Bar Association’s LAWYER Magazine, Tampa, 1.26.21
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 1.22.21
- Speaking Engagement, 1.20.21
- Event, Orlando, 1.12.21
- Firm News, 1.8.21
- Event, Orlando, 12.30.20
- Firm News, 12.21.20
- Firm News, 12.14.20
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 12.7.20
- Publication, POWER, 12.2.20
- Speaking Engagement, Tampa, 11.25.20
- Event, Orlando, 11.20.20
- Firm News, 11.19.20
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 11.17.20
- Speaking Engagement, 11.17.20
- Event, 11.10.20
- Recognition, Miami, 11.9.20
- Firm News, U.S. News & World Report and Best Lawyers, 11.6.20
- Recognition, Tampa, 11.2.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 10.29.20
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 10.28.20
- Recognition, INFLUENCE Magazine, Tallahassee, 10.27.20
- Publication, Daily Business Review, 10.22.20
- Firm News, 10.15.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 10.13.20
- Media Mention, Business Observer, Tampa, 10.5.20
- Recognition, Fort Lauderdale Illustrated, 9.28.20
- Speaking Engagement, Orlando, 9.17.20
- Recognition, 9.8.20
- Recognition, 9.3.20
- Firm News, Law360, 9.2.20
- Recognition, 9.2.20
- Recognition, Palm Beach Illustrated, 9.1.20
- Speaking Engagement, 8.28.20
- Firm News, Tallahassee, 8.25.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 8.25.20
- Article, Law360, Tampa, 8.24.20
- Recognition, 8.20.20
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, South Florida, 8.11.20
- Article, The Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 8.6.20
- Webinar, 7.30.20
- Recognition, The Orlando Business Journal, Orlando, 7.27.20
- Recognition, Tampa, 7.20.20
- Firm News, 7.9.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 7.6.20
- Recognition, Florida Trend, 6.22.20
- Article, Daily Business Review, South Florida, 6.22.20
- Firm News, 6.15.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 6.15.20
- Firm News, 6.9.20
- Firm News, Thomson Reuters, 6.4.20
- Recognition, The American Lawyer, 6.3.20
- Recognition, Orlando, 6.2.20
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, 6.1.20
- Recognition, 5.29.20
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, 5.28.20
- Media Mention, Coral Gables Magazine, 5.15.20
- Recognition, Daily Business Review, 5.4.20
- Speaking Engagement, 4.30.20
- Recognition, Chambers & Partners, 4.23.20
- Media Mention, Daily Business Review, 4.21.20
- Publication, Daily Business Review, 4.20.20
- Recognition, TAMPA Magazine, 4.16.20
- Media Mention, South Florida Business Journal, 4.13.20
- Firm News, 4.9.20
- Webinar, 4.2.20
- Client Alert, 3.26.20
- Media Mention, 3.11.20
- Article, 3.10.20
- Article, 3.6.20
- Speaking Engagement, 3.5.20
- Speaking Engagement, 2.18.20
- Article, 1.29.20
- 11.7.19
- Article, 11.4.19
- Article, 10.2.19
- Article, 9.30.19
- Article, 9.24.19
- 8.30.19
- 8.21.19
- Recognition, 8.15.19
- Article, 8.9.19
- Article, 7.31.19
- Article, 7.11.19
- Recognition, 6.24.19
- 6.21.19
- Article, 6.17.19
- Article, 6.12.19
- Article, 6.11.19
- Article, 5.10.19
- 5.9.19
- 4.26.19
- Article, 4.25.19
- Article, 4.25.19
- 4.2.19
- Article, 3.26.19
- Recognition, 3.19.19
- Article, 3.19.19
- Article, 3.18.19
- Firm News, 3.4.19
- Shutts & Bowen LLP Welcomes David O. Batista and Sara Levy as Partners in its Fort Lauderdale Office2.26.19
- Article, 2.25.19
- Firm News, 2.12.19
- 2.6.19
- Article, 1.28.19
- 11.1.18
- Article, 10.25.18
- Article, 10.3.18
- Article, 10.1.18
- Firm News, 9.25.18
- Recognition, 8.28.18
- Article, 8.15.18
- Article, 6.22.18
- Firm News, 6.20.18
- Recognition, 6.19.18
- 4.4.18
- Article, 3.2.18
- Firm News, 2.7.18
- 2.5.18
- Article, 1.11.18
- 1.8.18
- Article, 12.11.17
- 11.2.17
- Article, 6.8.17
- Article, 3.6.17
- Firm News, 2.15.17
- Article, 2.7.17
- Article, 1.27.17
- Recognition, 1.17.17
- 11.8.16
- Article, 9.22.16
- Article, 9.15.16
- Article, 8.16.16
- Recognition, 8.16.16
- Recognition, 6.23.16
- Article, 6.9.16
- Article, 6.8.16
- Article, 1.20.16
- Article, 1.5.16
- Article, 10.1.15
- 9.25.15
- 9.17.15
- Article, 9.12.15
- 8.17.15
- 7.22.15
- Article, 7.1.15
- Recognition, 6.28.15
- Publication, 1.1.15
- 10.15.14
- 10.6.14
- 8.19.14
- 7.8.14
- 6.30.14
- 4.3.14
- 3.31.14
- 1.27.14
- 1.5.14
- 11.1.13
- 5.3.13
- 7.25.12
- 6.7.12
- 5.15.12
- 3.6.12
- 3.2.12
- 1.31.12
- 8.31.11
- 7.6.11
- 6.9.11
- 1.31.11
- 1.10.11
- 1.3.11
- 7.27.10
- 7.27.10
- 7.14.10
- 6.1.10
- 5.17.10
- 3.1.10
- 2.1.10
- 12.11.09
- 10.22.09
- 9.29.09
- 9.10.09
- Article, 6.15.09
- 5.15.09
- 3.3.09
- 9.5.08
- 8.13.08
- 7.7.08
- 4.27.07
- 4.24.07
- 3.15.07
- 1.17.07
Blog Posts
- Business and Legal Insights, 2.10.25
- Business and Legal Insights, 2.6.25
- Business and Legal Insights, 8.30.23
- Business and Legal Insights, 1.9.23
- Business and Legal Insights, 10.11.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 10.4.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 8.31.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 8.22.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 7.21.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 7.20.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 1.26.22
- Business and Legal Insights, 12.29.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 10.18.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 7.7.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 6.24.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 4.28.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 2.24.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 2.8.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 1.28.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 1.19.21
- Business and Legal Insights, 12.3.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 12.2.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 12.1.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 10.19.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 8.21.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 8.12.20
- Looking to Compel Arbitration? Recent Supreme Court Decision Suggests Additional Tools are AvailableBusiness and Legal Insights, 8.5.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 5.20.20
- Business and Legal Insights, 3.20.20
- Eric S. Adams
- Vincent F. Alexander
- Zachary Amrose
- Joseph W. Bain
- Ashlyn Robinson Banks
- David O. Batista
- Kendall H. Bennett
- Bud Bennington
- Alamea Deedee Bitran
- Douglas G. Brehm
- Patrick G. Brugger
- Amanda B. Buffinton
- John W. Bustard
- Sidney C. Calloway
- Thomas S. Cargill
- Tirso M. Carreja Jr.
- Matthew R. Chait
- Eric C. Christu
- Jonathan Cohen
- Alyssa L. Cory
- Giancarlo Cueto
- John H. Dannecker
- Eduardo J. De la Peña Bernal
- Meredith S. Delcamp
- Jill M. Dutmers
- Steven M. Ebner
- Jeffrey S. Elkins
- Benjamin F. Elliott
- J. Paul Fanning
- Martha M. Ferral
- Shane P. Fitzsimmons
- Patricia M. Flanagan
- Jonathan M. Fordin
- Shiza Francis
- Meredith A. Freeman
- James C. Gavigan, Jr.
- Rose S. Gerber
- Benjamin J. Gibson
- H. Timothy Gillis
- Stephen B. Gillman
- Joseph M. Goldstein
- Rene J. Gonzalez-LLorens
- Michael L. Gore
- Shirley M. Grinstein
- Denise M. Harle
- Jonathan P. Hart
- Michelle G. Hendler
- Jason W. Hill
- Mary Ruth Houston
- Matthew W. Innes
- Jessica V. Jackson
- Tarmo Jõeveer
- Amy Wessel Jones
- Melodie Khosrovani
- S. Elizabeth King
- Todd F. Kobrin
- Douglas M. Kramer
- Rachel M. LaMontagne
- Jeffrey M. Landau
- Patricia A. Leonard
- Peter H. Levitt
- Sara Levy
- Karla M. Lopez
- Lee D. Mackson
- C. Ryan Maloney
- Jonathan Y. Marcelo
- Nancy C. Masses
- Erik R. Matheney
- Samendio L. Mathieu
- Jack C. McElroy
- John E. Meagher
- Victoria Méndez
- Nicholas J.P. Meros
- George N. Meros, Jr.
- Matthew J. Meyer
- Jake Monk
- Samuel S. Moore
- Harold E. Morlan III
- Michael A. Munoz
- Manuel Negron
- Daniel E. Nordby
- Amber S. Nunnally
- Leila S. Oberschall
- Timothy W. Odzer
- Eric E. Page
- Jessica M. Pagliery
- Cameron A. Parks
- Bherti Patel Zaveri
- Mayte Peña
- Dario A. Perez
- Adriana L. Pfeiffer
- Ricky L. Polston
- Tara R. Price
- Michael J. Quinn
- Kassandra S. Reardon
- Emma G. Refuveille
- Brett R. Renton
- Eduardo H. Rivero
- Julissa Rodriguez
- Sarah Donini Rodriguez
- Aliette DelPozo Rodz
- Glennys Ortega Rubin
- Noah M. Rust
- Matthew S. Sackel
- Ivane Sargent
- Paul J. Scheck
- Oliver Sepulveda
- Ella A. Shenhav
- David A. Shontz
- Aleksey Shtivelman
- Michael E. Siegel
- Michael P. Silver
- Scott H. Silver
- Lonnie L. Simpson
- Jennifer P. Sommerville
- Susan K. Spurgeon
- Erik F. Szabo
- Raul L. Tano
- James P. Terpening III
- Michael A. Tessitore II
- Mark D. Thomson
- Jonathan T. Tortorici
- Garrett A. Tozier
- Geoffrey L. Travis
- Erin Tuck
- Derrick M. Valkenburg
- Arielle S. Vanon
- Tyler J. Walters
- Jamie B. Wasserman
- Fred S. Werdine
- Timothy Woodward
- Devon A. Woolard
- Jeffrey S. York
- Frank A. Zacherl