Amber S. Nunnally Presents at “Practicing Before the Florida Supreme Court” CLE Seminar

Speaking Engagement

Amber Stoner Nunnally Presents at “Practicing Before the Florida Supreme Court” CLE Seminar
Amber S. Nunnally, a partner in Shutts & Bowen LLP’s Tallahassee office, was a co-presenter for a CLE seminar on behalf of the Appellate Practice Section of The Florida Bar on Thursday, June 9, 2022.

The seminar, “Practicing Before the Florida Supreme Court,” began with an observation of an oral argument, followed by a discussion of the arguing attorneys involved in the case. Sessions included panels and presentation on oral arguments, briefs and discretionary review, as well as a tour of the Florida Supreme Court Building. During the presentation, Amber discussed the topic of amicus briefs with seminar attendees. Also in attendance at the CLE event were Shutts partners Daniel Nordby and Tara Price.

The event was sponsored by The Florida Bar Continuing Legal Education Committee,
the Government Lawyers Section, and the Appellate Practice Section. For more information, click here.

About Amber S. Nunnally

Amber S. Nunnally is a partner in the Tallahassee office of Shutts & Bowen LLP, where she is a member of the Appellate Practice Group. She is experienced in all aspects of appellate advocacy and procedure, and routinely prepares briefs on merits and jurisdiction, amicus briefs, and briefs for extraordinary writs in original proceedings. She also provides appellate support during trial and pretrial activities, assisting in development and presentation of legal arguments, record development, and identification and preservation of error. Amber is also an experienced litigation attorney, representing businesses and state agencies in state courts on matters of law and public policy, particularly in the areas of constitutional and administrative law.

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