My Summer Associate Experience: Elyse Jackson

Firm News

My Summer Associate Experience: Elyse Jackson

Our 2024 Summer Associate Program brought 13 law students from five law schools to the firm for an intellectually challenging and professionally gratifying experience. The students took part in firm-sponsored social events and community service projects throughout the summer in addition to attending client meetings, depositions, court hearings and other proceedings. Nearing the end of the program, the students agreed to share a few highlights from their summer at Shutts.

Elyse Jackson, a student at The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, joined Shutts in the Miami office. Elyse is a member of the Dean’s Advisory Council, the Intellectual Property Law Society, the Entertainment and Sports Law Club, Black Law Student Association and the Hispanic Student Association. She is also a participant in the Inclusion, Diversity and Justice Pre-Orientation Program.

Elyse shares her thoughts on her summer experience at Shutts.   

What is something new that you learned during the summer program?

I learned that it’s okay to say, “I don’t know”. There can be a lot of pressure to meet attorney expectations, but it’s better to be honest and use it as a learning opportunity. The summer program is a wonderful opportunity to learn as much as you can, so always take that chance.

If you could go back to the first day of the summer program and give yourself a piece of advice, what would it be?

Keep an open mind. As a returning Summer, I was sure that there were some areas of practice I wasn’t interested in. I have now developed an interest in those areas. You never really know what you’ll enjoy until you’ve tried it out!

What were your expectations for the summer and have they been met (or exceeded)?

I was looking forward to getting to know the firm more deeply and applying my new skills to pursuing my interests. I am pleased to report that I have done both of these this summer. I connected more with the attorneys, and I was given engaging assignments that allowed me to apply what I learned from the school year to interesting work.


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Shutts & Bowen, established in 1910, is a full-service business law firm with approximately 270 lawyers located in eight offices across Florida.

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